The Duty of Angels
- Do you know you are never alone? Your Guardian Angel is with you every step of the way. This Angel's assignment was given at your birth. He knows your life from the beginning to the end, and he will stay with you all the days of your life. Your heavenly Father knew that you were going on a journey to a strange land, to learn new things. On the physical side he gave you parents. That is how you start life on earth. Your Angel was given all the information about you. All through life your Angel is with you protecting, guiding, leading, and directing you. Many young children talk to their Angel. When questioned about the conversation, they merely reply, "I'm talking to my friend." As you become older and start thinking differently, your Guardian Angel see's you growing up. This is the time when you have little time for your Angel. Only when you're troubled about something, he may get a second thought. Yet he knows your likes, dislikes, friends, and your enemies. Your fears are known to him. He sees your tears and he saves every one of them. Your hearts desire is known to your Angel. When you are disillusioned he puts new hope in your heart. Often he makes you smile in subtle ways. When you celebrate happiness he holds you as well as in your darkest hour. When you end up in the wrong place he guides you to safety. He puts his wings around you, even when you push him away. He wants you to be happy on your journey through life. Your Guardian Angel has to sit beside you as you make one mistake after the other, and he cries for you. You have free choice, he is not there stop you, or to judge you. You decide between light and darkness, good and evil. When you feel pressure in your heart center, you have done something wrong. The indication is there to stop that negative thing you got yourself into. I hear some people say, "I got away with this or that". I say you got away with nothing, you only hurt yourself. Know that when you are around peace and joy, you are around Angels of peace and light. When you see yourself around division, hate, lies, and negativity, you are surrounded by Angels of darkness. Once you stay in that company, you are guide by the hordes from the wrong side. Come back, for your Angel wants to guide you to your Father's house.